Robot Vacuum Reviews
In the video above, you’ll see some of the most extensive robot vacuum reviews. The guys from Vacuum Wars put 32 different robot vacuums to the test. They put the robot vacuums into three different categories: budget robot vacuums that cost $250 or less, mid-level robot vacuums for $250 to $500, and premium robot vacuums that cost $500 or more.
They tested various things like suction power, airflow, the ability to pick up debris on hard floors and carpet, how well they deep cleaned carpet, battery life, coverage, navigational abilities and also took into account their various features and their prices.
They used all of this information to give each robot vacuum a score and they used these scores to determine which options were best in each category; budget, mid-level, or premium.
All of the robot vacuums in the budget category navigate the area to be cleaned in a random way. In their testing, they found that the cheaper robots can cover a small room in about the same amount of time as the more expensive models. In the larger rooms the more expensive models that have smarter, more efficient navigational abilities can get larger areas done more quickly.
If you want more details on the various testing criteria and you want to see these robot vacuums in action, you can watch the video above. If you just want the results so you can get the best robot vacuum for your budget, here are the top three picks in each category.
Budget Category Winners:
Cordey R500+ on Amazon:
Eufy 11s on Amazon:
Deebot n79s on Amazon:
Mid Level Category Winners:
Roborock S5 on Amazon:
Roborock S5 max (coming soon)
Roborock S4 on Amazon:
Deebot 901 (bad since firmware update, see reviews) on Amazon:
Premium Robot Category Winners
Shark IQ Robot Auto Empty on Amazon:
Deebot 950 on Amazon:
Roomba S9+ on Amazon: