Keto Coffee Recipe
In the above video, Thomas & Amber DeLauer share a keto coffee recipe that they say is better than bulletproof coffee. The ingredients they use are:
⦁ Coffee – 8oz – 12oz
⦁ MCT Oil – 1 Tbsp or 14g
⦁ Ghee – 1/2 Tbsp
⦁ Cacao powder – 1 Tbsp
⦁ Himalayan Salt – 1/8 Tsp
⦁ Your choice of sweetener
In the video, they breakdown the science explaining how each of these ingredients helps you to burn fat and gives you a boost of energy. These ingredients also have a lot of antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory properties.
This is a super healthy drink and a great way to start your day. If you’re interested in learning more about the science of how and why these ingredients are beneficial to your health, watch the video above. If you just want to make a keto coffee and try for yourself, add the above ingredients in a blender, mix it for a short time, and enjoy.
Learn how Thomas Delauer went from being over 275 lbs to being on the cover of men’s fitness magazines.